Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chapter 25 is up!

Well, this is it.  The final chapter of Enticements and Obstructions has been posted.  It's been a long and winding road for Rick and I'm sure it often seemed like he would never be able to get on the right path.  Hopefully this ending makes all the frustration along the way worthwhile. 

As always, I owe huge thanks to John, who is always there to encourage and help me revise and brainstorm.  He is also a brilliant researcher, to the point that I was making modifications to this chapter at the very last minute based on some things he just found. The only thing that makes leaving the Brit boys easier for me is knowing that John continues to write up their lives in his story, Linden Gardens, Notting Hill. I've been privileges to read some upcoming chapters that have not yet been posted, as well as to know a little something about the story outline, and believe me, it's gonna be a fun ride!  I am so looking forward to reading it all.

Additional huge thanks to Pauline for the Brit-speak review, to Maura for the pre-read and vital feedback, and to Natalie for her Beta work! These three ladies, as well as Kate and Maureen, have been absolutely instrumental in polishing this story to a final product that, believe me, is much better than my original drafts. I owe a special thanks this week to Natalie, who edited this chapter yesterday despite it being her birthday!  Now that's Beta dedication.  Thank you so much, Natalie, and a very, very Happy Birthday to you!

And now, without further ado, here's the link to Chapter 25: Commencement.  

Thanks so much for reading and I hope by now it goes without saying that I'd love to know what you thought of the last chapter and the story! You can leave a comment on the blog or tweet me @ojmjff or send me an e-mail at ohjaspermyjasper at gmail dot com (delete the spaces and use the actual symbols). 

Thank you again for all the support you've given me throughout this story!

