Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The full story (so far)

Dear Readers,

First, thank you all so much for your support and for following me and the story to this blog.  I have now uploaded the entire story as it existed on fanfiction.  You can access any individual chapter by clocking on the link in the table of contents in the sidebar or you can just keep reading and looking at older posts in order. The story will be 25 chapters long and new chapters will be posted every other Saturday until the story is complete. Enjoy and please leave a comment to let me know what you think as you read along.  Your feedback is very much appreciated!

Hugs and love,



  1. Dear Liz, let me say I am immensely relieved to see that you created a new home for your wonderful stories. I was a huge fan of FF because this was a platform where writers of all ages and sexual orientations could publish their stories. I do not know why FF suddenly became so restrictive and think that this is a huge hypocrisy. Once they gained a huge fan base of readers due to amazing writers like you and John now they kick out the driving forces. FF definitely will loose a lot of its adult readers because - let's face it - we want to read the adult stuff, otherwise we would stick to the Twilight and Harry Potter books.
    Once again thank you (and John) so much for your efforts and that you share your stories with us. I will follow them till the end - and am dying to know what happened on that mountain...
    Many greetings from Germany! Andy

    1. Hi Andy,

      Thanks so much for your comment!I, too, was a big proponent of FF, and to an extent I still am. There are some great stories on there without adult content. However, one of the biggest benefits of FF for me was a collection of all kinds of stories in one convenient spot, and that is no longer its attribute. I feel sad about the diaspora of "MA" twilight fanfic authors and readers, but John and I will do our part and finish up our stories so that our readers are not left hanging.

      The next chapters of Enticements and Linden Gardens, Notting Hill will be posted this weekend. As for Errors, I will go back to Edward and the drama on the mountain as soon as I upload the rest of Errors. I promise I will write as quickly as time permits. I know you and the other readers have been patiently waiting for a long time.


