Saturday, August 18, 2012

Chapter 24 is up!

First, an apology.  For the past two days I've been trying to reply to all the comments on the last chapter, but Blogger is stubbornly refusing to let me, not only as myself but even anonymously.  I have no idea why and, frankly, do not have the time to investigate. But if you try to leave a comment and are unable to, you are not alone.  

As always, thanks to John for all his help in bringing you this story - from brainstorming to clean-up.  He is the best brain twin, collaborator and friend ever! Additional thanks to Pauline for the Brit-speak review, to Maura for the pre-read and vital feedback, and to Natalie for her brilliant Beta skills! 

I hope you enjoy chapter 24 - the penultimate chapter of the story. The final chapter will be posted in two weeks.  

Thanks so much for reading and please know that your feedback and comments are most appreciated! If Blogger comments aren't working for you either,  please tweet me at @ojmjff or send me an e-mail at ohjaspermyjasper at gmail dot com (delete the spaces and use the actual symbols).  I'd love to hear from you and in those other formats I might actually be able to respond :)   



Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chapter 23 is up!

Huge thanks to John for everything he does that made bringing this story to you possible.  Additional thanks to Kate for the Brit-speak review, to Maura for the pre-read and crucial feedback, and to Natalie for her mad Beta skills! 

Unfortunately I was on holiday last week and, due to a computer snafu, was unable to edit or post this until today. The last two chapters of the story, however, will be posted on Saturdays, August 15 and September 1 respectively.   

If you need a refresher, you'll find a link to chapter 21 in the table of contents in the right hand column. Click here to go directly to chapter 23. As always, your feedback and comments are most appreciated! 



Saturday, August 4, 2012

Enticements 23 Update

I know I said that I would post the next chapter of Enticements and Obstructions today, but I've been on holiday for over a week and have had virtually no internet or computer time, which meant that I wasn't able to get chapter 23 edited in time to get it posted today.  In fact, I wasn't even sure I would have the connectivity to post it today.  I'll be on the road all day tomorrow so that doesn't look too good wither.  All I can say is that I will have the next chapter up as soon as I can.

Again, apologies for the delay and thanks for sticking with me.

